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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (JCI): Christianity

Magazine Resource

American Heritage Magazine, located in the rear left of the magazine room in the library, just before the entry to the Parkman Room, has an index volume at the end of the set which will lead you to articles on many of the denominations you are researching.


Background Information

These books in the reference collection will help provide you with background information on your topics! You can find these titles on the JCI reserve shelf.

Books on Orthodox, Baptist, & Episcopal Churches


Books On Reserve for JCI: Christianity in America Project

Use the index in the general books at the top of the list, to find information about denominations for which we do not have entire books listed below. Other denominations can also be found in the Reference Books shown to the left as well as in online resources in the box above.

Books on African Methodist Episcopal Church

Online Background Information

Books on Quaker, & Later Day Saints Churches